Community Validators: If you are a validated community resource in Portsmouth, Greenland, Rye, Newington, New Castle, NH, or Kittery, ME and would like to refer a community member in need, please fill out this form.
Please use the following checklist to ensure that we have all the information we need in order to make a timely decision on your request.
Have you told us what town the person in need lives? [Portsmouth, Greenland, Rye, Newington, New Castle, NH, or Kittery, ME]
Has this person/family been helped by us in the past 12 months?
Have you given us the exact amount you are requesting? The limit per request is $700 per 12 months.
Have you expressed why you believe Womenaid of Greater Portsmouth is the correct resource for providing this assistance?
Have you listed all the other resources and avenues of assistance that have been exhausted? This avoids duplication of services and positions Womenaid of Greater Portsmouth to provide the "last piece of the puzzle" in resolving the issue.
Have you provided background information on the situation at hand?
Have you provided the vendor's contact information (name, address, account number when applicable, and daytime phone number)?
Have you provided your own name and contact information?
If the request is for a car repair, have you verified that the repairs will enable the car to be safe and roadworthy? If your quote is from a national chain repair store, we respectfully reserve the right to request more than one bid for the service.
If the request is for current rent, food, or utilities, has the town Welfare office been contacted? This is not mandatory but we have learned that they can assist with many of the needs listed above. We may be able to help in another area that is not covered by Welfare.
Requests for car payments are not always successful, is there another bill we can pay?
If the request is for a current or past due natural gas or electric payment, has the client contacted their local Community Action organization regarding fuel assistance, payment waivers and/or rate reductions? Have they requested and been denied payment waiver or fee reduction from their utility provider?