A community validator is someone who makes a request on a behalf of a person or family in need. A community validator is typically someone working with an individual or family who can verify their need and eligibility for assistance from Womenaid, and who will make the request for assistance on their behalf, such as a members of social services, clergy, a guidance counselor or a school nurse.
We cannot accept direct requests, nor requests from friends, or vendors to be paid (i.e., a landlord). Validators are an important piece of our "puzzle" because Womenaid doesn't duplicate the efforts other wonderful community organizations.
Validators also provide us with the information we need to make an informed and timely decision. Once all the information we need has been received, Board members will vote on the request for assistance and respond to the validator once a decision has been made. Most correspondence will take place through email, however in order to move the process forward, we may contact the validator directly via phone.